2024 Election Results
View official election results at the CO Secretary of State's website, and results for local candidates and ballot measures on the Montezuma County Clerk's Election Office webpage (scroll down to find Election Results on the right). Thanks to the Montezuma County Clerk's professional staff, as well as all the election judges who worked long hours for many days to count all the ballots. Our election workers are heroes.​
Many of us are feeling shock, despair, anger, and grief. We're wondering how this happened. There's a desire to find someone to blame, but playing the blame game may pit us against each other at a time when we need to join together in solidarity. We offer some resources on these few pages that we hope will help each of us find our place in the resistance. But first, let's honor our work. As a county and a state we achieved some amazing things.

Locally We:​
​Knocked over 14,500 doors from May through election day, going back to all Undecided & most Not Home voters, using a deep canvassing approach​
​Made 1800 GOTV phone calls in the 2 days before the election
Made over 11,000 canvass packets​
Canvassed Dolores County in its entirety​
​Hand wrote letters and mailed canvass packets to 147 households in Towoac​
Wrote over 700 postcards for our SD 6 and HD58 candidates
Earned a greater percentage of votes for H-W than for B-H in 2020
Earned a higher percentage of votes in HD58 than in 2022
Earned a higher percentage of votes in HD59 than in 2022​​​​
Consequently we earned 2 bonus seats on the state central committee, and 2 seats on the state executive committee
Kept our majorities in the state house and senate
Codified the right to abortion in our state constitution
Defeated an unnecessary and dangerous school choice bill (Prop 80)
Defeated a terrible ranked-choice voting bill (Prop 131)
Removed discriminatory language from our state constitution regarding who can marry
Expanded the property tax exemption to veterans
Passed a new firearm's excise tax that will fund mental health services for victims of gun violence
So What Do We Do Now?
We do the work we have always done, despite our broken-hearts, because we're needed now more than ever. As Rebecca Solnit says, "The fact that we cannot save everything does not mean we cannot save anything and everything we can save is worth saving." So join with us in the fight - there is something for everyone to do, and no action is too small to make a difference. On the next pages you'll find resources we've gathered that we hope will help move you forward with us in solidarity and resistance, as well as provide resources to help yourself and others.